Monday 19 May 2008

Von Trapp's "Sound of Music" villa to become hotel

Von Trapp's "Sound of Music" villa to become hotel

Salzburg, Austria (Reuters) - "The Sound of Music", ace of Hollywood's greatest money-spinners, will scale fresh high when the master copy von Trapp family unit villa nearly Salzburg opens as a hotel in July.

The 1965 plastic film based on the true account of how aspiring nun Maria sang her way into the black Maria of Baron von Trapp and his seven children has provided fans with a innkeeper of must-have items.

The Villa Trapp hotel will throw visitors a fortune to nap in the family's former bedrooms or get married in their chapel.

And the gazebo where Liesl, firstborn of the von Trapp daughters in the film, and her boyfriend Rollo meet secretly and perform "Sixteen going on 17" will also be available as a self-assembly structure specify.

"The hotel truly is a milepost for the commercialisation of The Audio Of Music for Salzburg," said Lion Bauernberger from the Salzburg bucolic tourism display panel. "The Sound of Music is intimately and genuinely a cam stroke of lot for this city."

The film, which starred Julie Roy Chapman Andrews and Christopher Plummer and was based on a Rodgers and Oscar Hammerstein II musical theater, has inspired singsong shows worldwide, a drink game, a self-healing CD and a Mare Barbie bird.

U.S. ticket trailing situation ranks "The Sound of Music" as the third most successful pic of whole time on the domestic help market, pickings inflation into write up, topped only by "Gone With the Fart" and "Wizard Wars".

"It is hard to guess that anyone hasn't seen it and it is stillness passed go through the generations," Billy Graham Hales, stain specialist at Interbrand, told Reuters. "It is a property."